Download the 365 project concept & specs in Adobe PDF format.

In the 365 days of 2002, I took 365 photographs: at least one a day. Some days I took only one, some days I shot roll after roll, but for each day I chose only one photograph. There was no set theme, other than to capture the most interesting image possible for that day. Some of the shots are commonplace while some of the shots are great, but together they comprise my 2002: ups and downs, good and bad. See for yourself...

Currently the 365project exists only online. If you are a publisher — or know someone who is — and this project interests you, please contact me, and help me get it published.

The initial concept of this project involved a paragraph or two written about each daily photograph. But the result was stale; I already knew about these pictures and wanted a fresh perspective. I abandoned my prose in favor of collaborating with other writers.

Here's the idea: start with the first day of the project, January 1st 2002, and write roughly one fictional paragraph relating in some way to that image. Move on to the next photograph and write the next chunk of text, this time incorporating the content of the next image into the writing, yet remaining on the same logical/narrative thread.

My goal is to assemble three writers, so the project can be approached and enjoyed from several angles: as a photo project, or as one of three compelling stories. If you are a writer and are interested in collaborating, contact me.

Doing this is expensive! And while that won't stop me, it does slow me down. If you are interested in this project, would like to see more such endeavors, and have some money to spend, let's talk.

This site was designed in XHTML 1.0 and CSS 2.0. This allows it to be viewed without plugins, and allows every "day" of the project to be linked to, referenced, and copied/pasted/emailed/etc.

It is optimized for IE6/WIN, partly because that's what I usually use, but mostly because (depending on your source) roughly half the internet uses IE6/WIN, with the another 40% or so on IE5x/WIN. Current gecko-based browsers should handle this site fine, and it deprecates well in IE 5 and 5.5.

So, here it is,, in all it simplicity and glory. All the visual layout and design was done in Photoshop 7 and the code was hand-written in SiteAid.

Technical project specs: Canon Rebel 2000 35mm SLR rig, 28-80mm Canon lens, 28-105mm Canon lens, 75-300mm Canon lens, 15mm Canon fisheye lens, Tiffen UV filter, Hoya Circular Polarizer, Hoya 80A filter, Kodak & Fuji film (200, 400, 800).