"Caught in ACT II"

Notes: Brent is a traveller. Last time I heard from him was late August, 2002: "I spent july in Minneapolis and that was ok but Peru es Muy Bueno! The last couple of days I spent in the Sacred Valley Ending up on the top of Machu Picchu which was simply Magnificent. Back in Cusco for a fleeting instant. I spent the last two hours haggling in the central market for a duffle bag, and drinking Chicha: Home brewed corn beer they serve out of a five gallon bucket with a ladle. I needed something smaller to put my gear in for the Amazon portion, as I leave for the jungle in two days. The market is a mind bending barrage of colors scents and sounds. Yes we will have to link up sometime when I return.
Onward through the fog.............Brento"